The Office of the FAIS Ombud will launch the 2020/2021 Annual report during December 2021 through presentations on national and community radio stations and in conjunction with our social media platforms. The Office has always hoped and intended the launching of its Annual Report to constitute the creation of awareness of its existence and what it does amongst its stake holders, most important of which are the consumers of financial services and the financial services industry. In previous years, the annual report launch has been in the form of in-person events, with the exception of the 2019/2020 launch, which was hosted via a combination of in-person event and virtual hosting. While the said events were successful, the concern has always remained as to the level of reach within the country. Accordingly, the motivation for this form of launching the annual report is to reach a larger and more representative country audience, in an effort to bring the FAIS Ombud services to the doorstep of many consumers and industry groups in South Africa, especially those within the rural communities from where the Office receives the least number of complaints.