What if I am unhappy with the dismissal of my complaint?
The Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017 (FSR Act) has from 1 April 2018, established an independent Financial Services Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) in terms of Section 219 of the FSR Act. This Tribunal will reconsider, on application, any decisions made by this Office for any aggrieved party.
Should you be aggrieved by a decision made by this Office, you have the right to apply for a reconsideration of such decision by the Tribunal, as contemplated in section 230 of the Financial Sector Regulation Act.
An application for reconsideration must be made:
(a) in accordance with the Tribunal rules; and(b) within the time periods set out in section 230 (2) of the FSR Act.
The contact details of the Tribunal secretariat are:
Telephone Numbers:
Reception: (012) 741 4300
Kim Host: (012) 741 4302
Alita Morudu: (012) 741 4303
E-mail address for all communication with the Tribunal: Applications@fstribunal.co.za