How to complain

How to complain

A step-by-step guide to lodging a complaint with the Office of the Ombud

1. What are the pre-requisites?

Please review pre-requisites before you proceed.

2. What do I need to do to lodge a complaint?

You need to complete a complaints registration form.

3. How do I obtain the complaints registration form?

  • The form may be downloaded here in Microsoft Word format or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
  • You may contact our office by telephone, fax or email and request a copy of the complaints registration form.

4. Complete the form

Now you can Lodge a Complaint online!
Click the button below if you prefer to lodge your complaint using the online form.

We suggest that you take time to read through the form and gather the necessary information before completing it. When returning the form to this Office, we request that you attach all the supporting documentation for your complaint. For example, any correspondence received or sent relating to this complaint, any policy documents/application forms you have in your possession, and the relevant contact details of person with whom you dealt with. Please be advised that whilst it is our aim to assist you with your complaint, we cannot do so if we do not have the necessary and relevant information about your complaint.

5. The form must be signed

  • Whether you obtained the form through the internet or it was faxed, emailed or posted to you, you need to sign it after completion. For procedural reasons, we are unable to accept complaint forms which have not been signed.
  • If the space does not allow you to relate your complaint fully, you are free to use extra paper which must be attached to your complaint form.
  • Should you experience problems in completing the form, you may call our office and our technical advice desk will assist you.